The 3 types of Nerve Damage that you need to be aware of and how to treat them.
The 4 signs you should look for to diagnose nerve damage with ease.
The 3 critical injection sites that you need to be aware of that are classed as "High Risk".
& Cosmetic Fillers London
10 years of Aesthetics experience, working alongside some of the best medical professionals in the aesthetics industry.
Huge passion for helping aesthetic injectors to have full confidence in facial complications management.
Built a successful injecting business.
Won Aesthetics Practitioner of the Year Award.
Started as a Dental Nurse at nineteen and progressed to become an operating clinician.
Holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health Sciences and Dentistry since 2014 & completed her Aesthetics training to Masterclass level.
Helping Aestheticians tackle complications with clarity and confidence.
Course put together by medical proffessionals with a combined experience of 70 years.
Teaching carriculum that isn't covered by level 7 qualifications.
Official partners of Faces app, CPD Services and INSYNC Insurance.
100% student satifaction rate